3 Ways to Live by Faith

One of the most maddening statements in all of Christendom is, “Have Faith!” I remember being told this quip by many well intentioned friends as a young disciple but it meant nothing to me. If I had a bad day, “Have Faith!” When I was hurt by others, “Have Faith!” When I felt unsure about a course of action, “Have Faith!” When I was afraid to act, “Have Faith!” I felt as if all people could say is, “Pray and Have Faith!” I know prayer is important, but what was this faith thing all about? The following is what my careful study of faith has uncovered.

I remember reading almost 20 years ago from the great biblical teacher Gordon Ferguson that faith was about trust, belief and obedience. This is a great outline to understand what real faith looks like when it is lived out.

As a student and follower of Jesus, I believe that faith in God is the key to a successful and victorious life. This is not the way to get rich or be famous, but it is the way to live that brings you the healthiest outcomes. A life of faith will positively impact your anxiety, relationships, lifestyle, character, marriage, parenting, focus and goals.

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