Hello my friends. I am excited to launch a new venture here on the site, the teaching ministry for Brian Perkins consulting! This new business allows me to take my love for teaching and training God’s people on the road to a ministry near you. I have created 6 new modules to come and teach personally or online. I will also be including additional materials for personal study at a later date. Please look through the site to stay up to date on developing details.
Category: Uncategorized
Hello everyone!
I am have been away for far too long due to many projects, but this situation with the virus has driven me back to respond. Many of us have felt the effects of this sickness either personally or through the lives of those we love. I am sheltering in place, making videos and trying to keep myself busy and focused. I look forward to writing more blogs and things that will be of benefit to you. I wanted to send you all a few videos that may be an encouragement to you spiritually at this time. Please enjoy!
I addition guys, I am inviting you all to come to our Easter service this week. please follow the following link: https://louisvilledisciples.org/connect/
Why Jesus
Jesus has been a controversial and polarizing figure for centuries. Many have debated about His nature, His relevance and even His existence.
Who was Jesus? What claims did He make about Himself? Why should we consider Him?
In a sea of major religious figures and characters, for Christians, Jesus Christ rises above them all. They have staked everything on this crucified carpenter. This article seeks to discover why Jesus is such a compelling person.
Checkout the Fourth of a four part series from the ‘Why Jesus’ discussion done at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Kentucky.
Continue reading Why JesusBiblical Support
The truth of God’s word is under attack! It has become common place for people to not only be uninformed about the biblical message, many are misinformed.
The Bible often seems like an inaccessible archaic book filled with myths, folktales and unscientific speculation. But this opinion is unfounded.
Can truth be found in scripture? Can the Bible stand up own its own merits as a book worthy of serious study?
Checkout the Third of a four part series from the ‘Why Jesus’ discussion done at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Kentucky.
Continue reading Biblical SupportScience and Faith
A great conflict has arisen! The world of science versus the life of faith. I have spent the better part of my life admiring both worlds and what they have to offer.
The life of faith is one I strive to obey on a daily basis. It has changed me for the better and shaped who I am. The world of science intrigues me as it advances our understanding of the world around us.
Are these two truly in conflict? Can any harmony be found between them?
Checkout the Second of a four part series from the ‘Why Jesus’ discussion done at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Kentucky.
Continue reading Science and FaithQuestions Leading to God
I love to talk to people about God and how He has changed and blessed my life, but I often encounter people who either don’t know about Him or even believe in Him.
People who don’t believe in God ask me what proof do I have to believe. Many are not compelled to believe or have never studied this topic out for themselves.
I have spent the last 20 years visiting colleges and universities all around the world, as well as speaking at youth camps and conferences about belief in God. I am convinced that faith in God is both true and reasonable. (Acts 26:25)
Checkout the first of a four part series from the ‘Why Jesus’ discussion done at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Kentucky.
Continue reading Questions Leading to GodForget not His Benefits
To my shame it is easy to forget how rich my life is and complain about the silliest things. My Starbucks coffee is too hot, my high speed internet is too slow, I can’t find the right app for my cellphone. None of these problems existed in Jesus time, nor do they exist in some underdeveloped nations today.
These are called first world problems. They are not real problems that most of the world is struggling with. Problems such as, Will I eat tomorrow? Can I find safe shelter for the night? And can I find treatment for the disorder that is plaguing me?
In truth I live a greatly blessed life which is further enhanced by God and His active work in it.
Have you considered the blessings that the typical Christian is able to enjoy? The following 7 blessings are ones which every true follower has despite their age, gender, race, location, occupation or education.
Continue reading Forget not His BenefitsReview and Renew
2018 is in the books, and everyone is looking forward to the New Year. I know that for many 2018 was a great year with many good memories. For some however, 2018 was a terrible year that they are ready to see go. Regardless how this year is viewed, it is important to end the year well so that 2019 gets off to a great start.
I am a strong believer in living life to the full (John 10:10). This requires reflecting on the past and using lessons learned to live better in the future (Haggai 1:5-8).
Most people live unexamined lives. The fruit of such living is a lack of progress from year to year. It is so important to do an annual review to learn the lessons from the past and plan for a better future.
Continue reading Review and Renew5 Simple Details
I notice that I tend to focus on getting the big stuff done in life. Spending time with God, loving my family, serving the church. I am judged and evaluated by others and by myself on how well I execute these things. But I have found that the small details often have the biggest impact. Things like praying for specific people, loving my wife and children in ways that impact them most, and taking the time to not only serve the church, but to care about each person individually.
I realize that if I ignore the details, the result of my labor is less than great. However, if I am careful to pay attention to the details, even small efforts can have a greater impact.
The same is true for our Bible study. The turn of words and phrases used in the Bible has great meaning. We should never run past a passage and miss the details that enrich it.
Continue reading 5 Simple DetailsSimple Little Details
How important is it to get the small details? The other day I was driving home in the dark when out of nowhere, WHAM. I hit a huge pothole. It seemed to just appear like magic, but realistically it was always there. When I went back the next day I saw how deep it really was. It actually damaged my tire. How could something so small impact my car so much?
The small details in a passage often can have the same effect. It is easy to read a text and run right pass small details that open the door to great insights. The key here is learning how to read and when to stop and take a closer look.
Just like looking for missing keys in a room. You need to look under every passage and around every word in a text to see what gems are hidden in plain sight.
We have learned how to find the big stuff like Historical context and Literary context, now we will focus on Grammatical context.