To my shame it is easy to forget how rich my life is and complain about the silliest things. My Starbucks coffee is too hot, my high speed internet is too slow, I can’t find the right app for my cellphone. None of these problems existed in Jesus time, nor do they exist in some underdeveloped nations today.
These are called first world problems. They are not real problems that most of the world is struggling with. Problems such as, Will I eat tomorrow? Can I find safe shelter for the night? And can I find treatment for the disorder that is plaguing me?
In truth I live a greatly blessed life which is further enhanced by God and His active work in it.
Have you considered the blessings that the typical Christian is able to enjoy? The following 7 blessings are ones which every true follower has despite their age, gender, race, location, occupation or education.
1. A New Solution
Most people live life trying to find the best way to live. There are many candidates: Live for yourself, live for money, live for your kids, have as much fun as possible, live out of duty. Some who believe in God try to live by all the rules or to be religious. Jesus offers a different way.
Living as a follower of Christ is not about the rules but about the relationship. I thought the solutions to feelings of weakness and insecurity were pride, impurity and selfishness, but the real answer was service to the Lord.
The new way is through Jesus:
Hebrews 10:19-20
Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, 20 by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body,
This means we seek to have a relationship with God through Jesus and we live in a way that pleases Him, not others. Good bye to people pleasing, rules keeping, self-seeking life!
2. Understanding (Illumination)
The second gift that God brings is understanding and desiring spiritual truth. We live among people who don’t understand or even desire to know the truth. I myself had itching ears that sought out those who agreed with me or told me what I wanted to hear.
People who seek relationships with those who are only like themselves are never forced to reconsider their views. There is little growth personally, so they are stuck in the same life.
God’s word helps us to see another perspective. It has broad truths which allows us to live freely among different people. It constantly confronts us with universal truths and forces us to change and grow as God desires.
The Spirit enables us to learn and understand the truth
1 Corinthians 2:6–10
We do, however, speak a message of
wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of
this age, who are coming to nothing. 7 No, we declare God’s
wisdom, a mystery that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory
before time began.
3. Forgiveness
We experience forgiveness which is so lacking in the world today. Forgiveness is freedom and God gives us forgiveness in loads.
God has forgiven all our sin. This is ugly stuff. Stuff we are embarrassed and ashamed to speak about. This was made possible through the death of Jesus.
Ephesians 1:7
In him we have redemption through his
blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace
Because we have been forgiven, we are able to forgive others when they wrong us and even more importantly we learn to forgive ourselves. No longer living in regret, but making the most of what God has given us today.
4. Repentance
We can change and live different lives. No longer are we stuck being the angry guy or the bashful woman. No longer do we have to hate ourselves for ugly habits we wish would go away, or feel powerless because we are stuck in our ways.
The gospel message makes all things new including our heads and our hearts. I am amazed at the changes a person of faith can experience by God’s spirit in their life.
Through repentance we can forgive others and ourselves regarding the past. We can choose a different path in the present and dream for a better tomorrow.
Acts 3:19
Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord
5. Hope
We live in a world that often brings us down. It brings sadness, illness, suffering and death. These work together to steal our optimism and confidence in a better future. Many lose hope and feel powerless to effect their destiny.
The hope that comes from the Gospel is ever giving. Yes there is a new way to live and you can change, so a new future is possible.
This hope the God gives is a living Hope (1 Peter 1:3) because nothing in this world can touch or impact the God who supplies it. Even the worst of what this life has to offer pales in comparison to the blessing promised in Heaven.
6. Adoption
We have been added into the family of God. We have gone from enemy to family (Rom 5:10) with rights and an inheritance in heaven (1 Peter 1:4).
This is a big deal because not everyone has family, and even those who do, don’t always feel appreciated or wanted in their family. But God cherishes each of us a beloved son or daughter. Through the church we have new brothers and sisters, parents and children to love and be loved by.
An added benefit is you no longer feel alone, abandoned or unwanted. We are all misfits in our own way, yet God brings us together to form a great family.
7. Holy Spirit
Perhaps the most amazing yet misunderstood gift God gives us is the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, some describe the Spirit as hard to explain. Others, in the religious world, make the Spirit out to be this strange entity which does unpredictable and bizarre things.
The Bible is clear that the Holy Spirit is a person who works with us for our benefit. He reminds us of the truth (John 14:26), convicts us of our sin (John 16:8), reveals the truth (2 Cor 2:14), sets us apart for God’s use (2 Thess 2:13), and intercedes for us (Rom 8:26-27).
In addition to all this, He works within us to change our character (Gal 5:22-23), Helping us to be loving and self-controlled (2 Tim 1:7) and gifting us to better serve our new family in Christ (1 Cor 14).
Considering the gifts we have as Christians, should we not be the most joyful of people?
What do you think about the blessing of the Christian faith? Does this help you to live joyfully for Christ? Please comment below so we can discuss if further.
Unless otherwise indicated, all the passages used above are taken from the NIV.
This hits me in my soul as I’m a person who is easily consumed by what is right in front of me. To my shame this includes my “problems” or various circumstances that are less serious or significant than I give them credit for.
God’s blessings in my life help prove to me his kindness towards me every day, on both good days and bad days I’m in need of this proof. It reminds me that I SHOULD live a joyful life every day, above all else.
Brian, the blessing of adoption stands out to me. I am very familiar with being ostracized and excluded from the family I was born into and consequently seldom think about being included and embraced by God in His family. Thanks for reminding me of this priceless gift!
So glad to help!
Dr. B