I love to read the Bible but I have found that I am in the minority. Many people don’t like to read much at all, let alone read the Word of God. One reason is that audio and video are so much more compelling. If the Bible were on YouTube, I am sure more people would take it in. Reading of any kind takes a lot of time and mental energy which many are weary of doing. This makes the godly habit of Bible intake all the more challenging. How can we consume God’s word when many people don’t enjoy reading much at all?
Some have suggested reading the bible in a different language if you are able, or at least in different versions. (You can find nearly 60 different English versions here). I have found these practices very helpful and have read through portions of the Bible in 4 different languages and have personally read over a dozen English versions. But it is still challenging to revisit passages I have already read. I have overcome these challenges by learning to read the Bible in the following ways.
1. Hearing the Word
Romans 10:17 says that faith comes from hearing the message. It is key to hear what God has to say from the scriptures on a regular basis. In Mark 4:24, Jesus says that we should be careful how we hear. This relates to paying attention to hear clearly and accurately the message from scripture. Jesus also says in Luke 8:21 that we should hear God’s Word with the intention to obey it. How does this work practically?
The Bible was written primarily to be heard. The message springs to life when heard and can stir the soul towards action. We have an opportunity to hear God’s word by listening to it online, using Bible apps, even going old school and listening to CD’s or other audio media.
I have found the easiest way to hear God’s word is by going to church with a goal to listen to the word presented in sermons. I encourage people to listen to sermons & devotional talks, watch videos and listen to messages online since this is a way to hear God’s word pre-digested. A good sermon has the advantage of presenting the message analyzed and broken down into easily digestible parts so it is readily actionable.
2. Reading the Word
The king of Israel is commanded in Deuteronomy 17:18–20 to read from God’s Word every day in order that he might learn the truth and gain a humble perspective of himself. This was nearly impossible for anyone other than the king back in those days, but today we all have the ability to read the Bible every day. We can also read for the same reason.
Reading large portions of scripture, up to a chapter or two a day, is the best way to gain biblical perspective on life. Many people lack perspective on the big picture of the Bible. Reading God’s Word helps us to understand why it is important to have faith, and why it matters to do things God’s way versus our own.
I have found that reading through the entire Bible at least once, if not every year, helps people to get the big picture of what God has done and is doing in the lives of faithful people. It helps to clearly see our need for Jesus. And anyone can finish the Bible in a year if they are able to read 2 or 3 chapters a day.
3. Studying the Word
In Ezra 7:10, we learn that Ezra studied the Word of God for the purpose of obeying its message and being able to teach it to others. This is the goal of anyone committed to following Jesus on a daily basis.
Studying God’s word requires focusing on a passage and using study tools (Lexicons, Bible dictionaries and Encyclopedias & Commentaries), to mine its rich message. I have written earlier about how to best study the bible.
This task basically boils down to two specific things. First, being able to clearly understand what the original author intended his hearers to learn. And second, applying that same message to our current context. I believe it is also important to use the scriptures to better learn about Jesus as He says in John 5:39–40.
4. Meditating on the Word
The Lord commands Joshua to meditate on His Word every day in Joshua 1:8, so that he might be successful in doing everything written in it. This is possible because through meditation we gain insight into what God wants for our lives (Psalm 119:99).
Meditation is the process of thinking deeply about the truths of God and how they can play out in our personal situation. It answers the question of how should these truths impacts our attitudes, character, relationships and actions. If Bible study gives us the raw facts, meditation gives us the finished products.
Scripture actually gives us some specific things we can meditate on. We can meditate on godliness (Philippians 4:8), on God’s Law (Psalm 1:2), on God’s promises (Psalm 119:148), on God’s works (Psalm 77:12), and on God’s nature (Psalm 63:6). This work will train you to think spiritually.
5. Memorizing the Word
This final way to consume God’s Word turns the truth of God into tools and weapons that are readily available for the person of faith. Psalm 119:11 states that when God’s word is in our heart it can protect us from sinning. Psalm 37:30-31 says that it keeps our feet from slipping. How is this possible?
Once God’s Word is committed to memory, it can easily be recalled in moments of need. I have recalled God’s Word when tempted to sin and repeated it in order to refresh my convictions. Scriptures can be used to help other when they are going through times of weakness and they bring God’s truths before us when we are tempted to abandon them.
The best way to start is to write down a favorite verse or two on a few index cards, and commit them to memory. Carry these cards with you and review them when you have a few minutes to spare. Once they are memorized, add new cards and keep the process going. Over time you will have a treasure trove of scriptures memorized and ready to be used when needed.
I have found using these five ways to consume God’s word exciting. They have enhanced my relationship with God. Do you agree with the list given above? What have you found helpful for you when it comes to understanding and using God’s Word on a daily basis?
I love the perspective of reading God’s word daily from the book of Deuteronomy and the kings of Israel! Reading God’s word daily helps us keep a sober perspective in life, both for kings then and for us today.
Yes, I have found that daily reading of scripture is one of the most effective things we can do to grow spiritually.
Just thinking about and digesting the Word of GOD has been a massive boon for my spiritual growth. I have wondered why scriptural meditation isn’t really talked about very much. Probably because of the hints of mysticism involved.
Yes, I believe you are correct James. Transcendental meditation is all about emptying your mind. Christian meditation is all about filling your mind with Godly truths.
Biblical meditation has been a great boon for me in my spiritual growth. Just digesting and thinking about what God’s Word says has just done wonders for my spiritual perception. I have always wondered why we don’t talk about it more often.